Can you complete them all?

There’s nothing wrong with a summer spent at the beach. But if you want more than tan lines and sand-covered clothes, consider embarking on one (or all) of these incredible seasonal adventures.

After all, bucket list trips are like snowflakes. And for this one, we’ve ditched the tame and the far-flung in favor of a high-octane, thrilling series of experiences you can complete on your summer break (or maybe during your summer Fridays). Whether you’re a fan of sun and sand, fresh mountain air, or sweeping desert vistas, there’s a potential adventure for you. Very ambitious travelers can even try checking off every item on this wild, once-in-a-lifetime list.

Consider, for example, spending a balmy weekend in June scuba diving around the John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park, off the Florida Keys. Or getting extra muddy during the Tough Mudder competition in New York.

Regardless of whether or not you want to get high (parasailing or hang gliding) or go low (spelunking in Kentucky) we promise your summer stories won’t be the least bit boring. And the pictures you share on Instagram won’t look like every other snapshot of beach umbrellas and pool floats.





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