How to Know If Your Leap of Faith Is in God’s Will

You’ve had an idea for a long time of something you would really like to do. It tugs at the back of your mind in quiet moments when you’re driving, jogging, cooking, walking, gardening, or waking up in the morning. But you’re not sure if it’s something God wants you to do. How can you know without a doubt that God will be on this big adventure with you?

I was in a similar position while in seminary. I was sure God had me enroll but I wasn’t sure what He wanted me to do when I graduated. I was working on a Master of Arts in Christian Leadership with a focus on equipping the laity, but I had no idea what to do with that degree when I finished.

I was confident it would be something in the business world since I had an MBA and was working in management. The only caveat I gave the Lord was “Please don’t ask me to work in women’s ministry,” where I had no gifts or interests—or so I thought.

Looking back, I see the Lord took me through the following 10 steps to guide me into the biggest leap of faith I’ve ever taken in my life. I trust that these steps will help you, too as you contemplate acting on your “stretch” idea that seems impossible but you just can’t shake.


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