The Book in Three Sentences

  1. It there’s one lesson Kamal can share from his experience it’s to share your truth.
  2. When you share your truth, the world responds in ways you could never have imagined.
  3. Kamal’s truth is to love himself like his life depends on it.

The Five Big Ideas

  1. In simplicity lies truth. In simplicity lies power.
  2. Loving yourself is a practice and requires commitment.
  3. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like or love yourself in the beginning—what matters is you focus on one thought repeatedly until it becomes top of mind.
  4. “The Practice”: (1) Mental loop (2) A meditation (3) One question
  5. The most important relationship we’ll ever have is with ourselves.

Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It Summary

Kamal was in a bad way. He was miserable out of his mind and there were days where he would lay in bed, too depressed to even open the drapes. One day he hit his “emotional threshold” (an idea Anthony Robbins discusses in Awaken the Giant Within), got out of bed and wrote himself the following:

This day, I vow to myself to love myself, to treat myself as someone I love truly and deeply—in my thoughts, my actions, the choices I make, the experiences I have, each moment I am conscious, I make the decision I LOVE MYSELF.

The Practice

  1. Mental loop
  2. A meditation
  3. One question

1. Mental Loop

2. A Meditation

In his own works,

I sit with my back against a wall, put on my headphones, listen to the music, and imagine galaxies and stars and the Universe above, and I imagine all the light from space flowing into my head and down into my body, going wherever it needs to go. I breathe slowly, naturally.  As I inhale, I think, I love myself. Then I exhale and let out whatever the response in my mind and body is, whether there is one or not. That’s it. Simple.

How to Meditate

  1. Step 1. Put on music. Something soothing, gentle, preferably instrumental. A piece you have positive associations with.
  2. Step 2. Sit with back against wall or window. Cross legs or stretch them out, whatever feels natural.
  3. Step 3. Close eyes. Smile slowly. Imagine a beam of light pouring into your head from above.
  4. Step 4. Breathe in, say to yourself in your mind, I love myself.  Slowly. Be gentle with yourself.
  5. Step 5. Breathe out and along with it, anything that arises. Any thoughts, emotions, feelings, memories, fears, hopes, desires. Or nothing. Breathe it out. No judgment, no attachment to anything.  Be kind to yourself.
  6. Step 6. Repeat 4 and 5 until the music ends. (When your attention wanders, notice it and smile. Smile at it as if it’s a child doing what a child does. And with that smile, return to your breath. Step 4, Step 5.  Mind wanders, notice, smile kindly, return to Step 4, Step 5.
  7. Step 7. When music ends, open your eyes slowly. Smile. Do it from the inside out. This is your time. This is purely yours.

3. One Question

Another Meditation

  1. Step 1. Set a timer for 5 minutes.
  2. Step 2. Stand in front of a mirror, nose a few inches away. Relax. Breathe.
  3. Step 3. Look into your eyes. Helps if you focus on one. Your left eye. Don’t panic, it’s only you.  Relax.  Breathe slowly, naturally, until you develop a rhythm.
  4. Step 4. Looking into your left eye, say, “I love myself.” Whether you believe it that moment or not isn’t important. What’s important is you saying it to yourself, looking into your eyes, where there is no escape from the truth. And ultimately, the truth is loving yourself.
  5. Step 5. Repeat “I love myself” gently, pausing occasionally to watch your eyes. When the five minutes are up, smile. You’ve just communicated the truth to yourself in a deep, visceral way. In a way, the mind cannot escape. If anyone ever looked in your eyes, knowing that you loved them, this is what they saw. Give yourself the same gift.

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