How to lose weight without going on a diet – and it’s easier than you think

It almost sounds too simple to be true – but it works Graeme Tomlinson, AKA the Fitness Chef, is a man on a mission. He wants people to ditch fad diets and insists they can still lose weight while eating pizza, chocolate…

Here’s why you must eat almonds daily. They help eliminate bad cholesterol

New research finds that almonds may not only increase blood levels of good cholesterol, but also boost the transport of bad blood cholesterol to the liver. Rich in magnesium and potassium, almonds are a healthy and filling snack rich in…

Simply Smelling Food Can Cause Weight Gain

New research suggests that the odor of food eaten may play an important role in how the body handles the calories. Smell is a large part of the appeal of food. If one’s sense of smell were removed, he would…