Can Food Act as Medicine? All You Need to Know

What you choose to eat has profound effects on your overall health. Research shows that dietary habits influence disease risk. While certain foods may trigger chronic health conditions, others offer strong medicinal and protective qualities. Thus, many people argue that…

11 Health and Nutrition Benefits of Yams

Yams (Dioscorea) are a type of tuber vegetable that originated in Asia, Africa, and the Carribean They’re often mistaken for sweet potatoes. However, yams are less sweet and more starchy. They have a distinct brown, bark-like exterior. The flesh can…

This Is What Happens If You Eat Too Much Salt, According To Nutritionists

If you’re like me, you try your best to eat a healthy, whole foods-based diet, which includes whole-grain bread (because avocado toast is life), frozen meals here and there (some of them are organic!), and sushi Fridays (salmon rolls, FTW). But even…

Can You Eat Orange Peels, and Should You?

  Oranges are one of the most popular fruits worldwide. Yet, other than for zesting, orange peels are usually removed and discarded before the fruit is eaten. Still, some argue that orange peels contain important nutrients and should be eaten…

Weight loss: 6 simple workouts to lose your arm fat

01. Get toned arms Flabby upper arms can make any person feel uncomfortable, especially in summers when you wear sleeveless clothes. But just like thighs and belly fat, it is tricky to lose arm fat. The only way to get…

5 Impressive Benefits of Coconut, the fruit of the palm.

5 Impressive Benefits of Coconut, Coconut is the fruit of the coconut palm. Coconuts have been grown in tropical regions for more than

This Is Exactly How to Eat and Work Out to Lose Fat Faster — and Do It Safely

You can’t choose where you lose fat first (like from your thighs or belly), but if you want to shed it quickly, “you must expend more calories than you ingest,” Charles Seltzer, MD, DABOM, CEP, a board-certified bariatric physician based in Philadelphia, PA, told POPSUGAR. “The more…

We Asked an Expert If Jumping Rope Burns Belly Fat — Here’s What They Said

Exercise and diet can help you get rid of belly fat and body fat, in general, but you may be wondering what the best exercise to get rid of belly fat is. If you’re trying to get rid of belly fat, you…

Exercise you should and should not do if you have diabetes

Exercise and physical activity are deemed essential for people with diabetes, as it helps control sugar levels in the body. However, not all types of exercise are recommended, because some movements will actually worsen the patient’s condition. Indonesian Endocrinology Association…

Giving up alcohol may significantly boost mental health

The debate as to whether moderate drinking is good, bad, or has no effect on health has been ongoing for years. Now, a new study suggests that people — especially women — who give up alcohol can experience better mental…