Drinking too much green tea can cause these side effects

Green tea is considered one of the healthiest drinks and its medicinal properties have been acknowledged for centuries throughout the world. As it is made from unoxidized tea leaves and is less processed, green tea contains the most antioxidants of any tea. It has…

Covid-19: Health experts ‘lack data’ for targeted measures

Health experts have insufficient information to establish where people are getting infected with Covid-19, an Oireachtas committee heard on Wednesday. Prof Kirsten Schaffer, president of the Irish Society of Clinical Microbiology, said she rang public health officials to be told that…

Tobacco Responsible for 20 Percent of Deaths From Coronary Heart Disease

Every year, 1.9 million people die from tobacco-induced heart disease, according to a new brief released today by the World Health Organization, World Heart Federation and the University of Newcastle Australia ahead of World Heart Day, marked on 29 September.…

Impact of sickle cell disease on the Nigerian child

Sickle cell disease is a genetic multisystemic disorder characterised by chronic anaemia, episodes of acute and possible chronic pain, progressive organ failure and a possibility of reduced life expectancy. It is originally a blood disorder that is inherited from one’s…

Coronavirus: Health workers’ army to be trained to deliver Covid vaccine

The government plans to train up an army of health professionals to be ready to give the coronavirus vaccine, if and when one is shown to work. This could include pharmacists, who already deliver flu vaccines, midwives and physiotherapists. The…

No safe level of coffee drinking for pregnant women, study says

Pregnant women should cut out coffee completely to help avoid miscarriage, low birth weight and stillbirth, according to a study of international evidence about caffeine and pregnancy. In contradiction to official guidance in the UK, US and Europe, there is no safe…

Diabetes And Fasting

At some point in our life’s journey, almost every individual has put themselves through fasting. Yet, the question has always been: In doing this, have we put ourselves at risk?  Blood sugar is the main sugar found in the body…

6 Signs Your Body Needs More Water

The human body needs water daily as it loses water every day even when the body hasn’t done anything stressful. The amount of water lost by the body varies depending on your activity levels and climatic conditions. One good fact…

7 dos and don’ts of eating papaya

01/8​7 dos and don’ts of eating papaya Easy to digest and loaded with numerous health benefits, papaya is the favourite fruit of many. Some of us like to have it empty stomach while others may prefer to have it in…

Russia to register first COVID-19 vaccine by August 12

Phase 3 clinical trial of another drug begins in U.S. Russia plans to register a coronavirus vaccine by August 10-12, clearing the way for what its backers say would be the world’s first official approval of inoculation against the epidemic.…