The 8 Best Exercises for Weight Loss

It’s estimated that half of all American adults attempt to lose weight every year. Aside from dieting, exercising is one of the most common strategies employed by those trying to shed extra pounds. It burns calories, and this plays a…

Replace your cooking oil with this to burn belly fat and lose weight

WEIGHT LOSS can be achieved in many ways. By swapping your usual cooking oil for a healthier option, slimmers could burn belly fat and lose wight. What is it? When it comes to losing weight, slimmers can choose from a…

Weight Loss – 8 Actionable Tips to Help You Transform Your Body

Are you ready to lose weight? Add these tips into your daily routine and enjoy the results. Weight loss is a relatively straightforward process, but that doesn’t make it easy.  Add to the fact that there is so much contradicting information…

Is Walking 30 Minutes a Day the Magic Amount For Weight Loss? Here’s What 2 Experts Said

Adding some extra steps to your day is a great way to lose weight, and it doesn’t have to be running; walking is an effective way to shed pounds, especially if you’re just starting out. (It gets bonus points for being…

Trying to Lose Weight? Protein Is Your Secret Weapon.

Here’s how eating more of the nutrient can actually help you weigh less. If protein was a superhero, it would be Wolverine-Batman-Hulk-Spiderman-Hellboy-Thor-Gambit-And-What-The-Hell-Throw-In-Green-Lantern-Too. Basically, protein does it all. Protein helps you build and maintain muscle. Protein powers a variety of functions in your…

9 Myths About Weight Loss

Losing weight is no easy task, and myths persist about how to do it—which end up making it even harder. To cut through the confusion, here are nine common misconceptions about weight loss and dieting, and what the science actually says.…