Unveiling hidden heart conditions: A must-know guide

Heart diseases are a leading cause of death in Western societies, including Israel. In the United States, someone succumbs to cardiovascular disease every 33 seconds. Globally, an estimated 620 million people battle heart disease, and this number is expected to rise in the coming years. On this International Heart Disease Awareness Day, let’s delve into this critical issue.

Understanding the heart’s vital role

The heart, our essential muscular organ, serves as the central blood pump of the body. It tirelessly beats, circulating blood throughout our tissues and muscles. At rest, the heart contracts between 60 and 80 times per minute, propelling blood through the aorta to nourish all body organs. It delivers oxygen and nutrients while eliminating carbon dioxide and waste products.

The heart consists of four sections: two chambers and two atria. These chambers efficiently transport blood from the upper atria to the lower chambers for onward distribution. An intricate electrical conduction system regulates the heart’s rhythm, ensuring it beats consistently and effectively. This system triggers the atria’s contraction slightly before the ventricles, allowing blood to fill them before they, too, contract, propelling blood onward. During excitement or physical exertion, the heart’s pace increases, slowing down during rest.

SOURCE: https://newtelegraphng.com/adopt-healthy-lifestyles-to-prevent-heart-diseases-fg-tell-nigerians/

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